Minnesota Robotics at a Glance


This is a list of companies and groups in Minnesota that are involved in autonomous, mobile robotic systems. Know of a group that should be on the list? Please let me know.

ASTER Labshttps://www.asterlabs.comResearch and development firm focused on advanced aerospace applications.
Medical Robotics and Devices Labhttps://mrd.umn.edu3D printing directly onto human skin and other cool projects. Old website, not sure if the group is still active.
Minnesota Robotics Institute (MnRI) effort at the University of Minnesota that provides opportunities for engagement and funding.
Organic Navigationhttps://organicnavigation.comTechnology services and development company focused on responsible intelligent systems.
Recon Roboticshttps://reconrobotics.comTactical micro-robots for situational awareness in challenging conditions.
Rover Roboticshttps://roverrobotics.comUncrewed ground vehicle platform developer.
Rowbothttps://www.rowbot.comGround robot platform and data algorithms for row-based agriculture.
Senterahttps://sentera.comData collection services, analytics and hardware development for ag-tech.
The TORO Company lawn mower and maintenance vehicles, sensor and autonomy outfits.
Uninhabited Aerial Vehicle Labhttps://www.uav.aem.umn.eduDevelopment and research involving uncrewed aerial systems.
Uncrewed Aircraft Systems Lab resource monitoring and management using UAS at the UMN.